
Jelly Terra λ

> _


Boy born in 2006.

💙 MBTI: ISTP [Virtuoso]

⚒️ Go, C/C++, Scala, Kotlin, Python, Rust

⚛ STM32, ESP32, FPGA

⌨️ NixOS/KDE, Linux user since 2016.

🎮 Minecraft, WebLiero

👾 Joined GitHub in Feb 4th, 2017, UID: 25548159 (deleted)

🦊 GitLab: Jelly Terra

I am learning and working on:

  • Compilers and program analysis
  • Digital hardware design
  • DIY circuit boards and applications with KiCad
  • Infrastructure
  • Productivity and automation tools

I have mainly focused on learning hardware architecture and PL theory since 2023.

But my knowledge in these is still shallow. I CRAVE GUIDANCE! :D

Life is short. Three twenty of years is not enough to do many things. I hope my life to be fulfilling and my visions about technologies and society to become true.


These are the paper books I own below.

My reading has switched to e-books to save costs since 2023.

The gears of fate begin to turn

📖 ISBN 2017 Go语言编程

📖 ISBN 2017 Go并发编程实战

📖 ISBN 2018 C Primer Plus (5th Edition)
^ primary school graduation gift from my teacher Zhang

📖 ISBN 2018 Understainding the JVM: Advanced Features and Best Practices (2nd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2018 Understanding the Linux Kernel (3rd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2019 电子设计从零开始(第2版)
^ gift from @lizhirui and his employer Wan

📖 ISBN 2019 OpenGL Programming Guide (9th Edition)

📖 ISBN 2019 Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools (2nd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2020 Computer Graphics with OpenGL (4th Edition)

📖 ISBN 2020 Tomcat: The Definitive Guide (2nd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2021 印制电路板(PCB)设计技术与实践(第三版)

📖 ISBN 2022 Computer Systems: Aprogrammer’s Perspective (3rd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2022 Gettings started with LLVM core libraries

📖 ISBN 2023 Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, RISC-V Edition (5th Edition)

📖 ISBN 2024 Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (6th Edition)

📖 ISBN 2024 Pratical Foundations for Programming Languages (2nd Edition)

📖 ISBN 2024 RISC-V CPU 芯片设计:香山源代码剖析
^ got on the RISC-V Summit China 2024 Day 2 activity 香山 Tutorial


The less you have, the more you fear losing.

Writing about past, is my way of making peace with past self, a way to comfort myself.

Here are the ideas and repos I’ve dropped in the past.

Most of them were just ideas and had not been fully implemented.

The deletion of my past accounts and activities is a great regret for me, which I must to get out from.

2023 means a lot to me. New domains, fantastic mates, inspiring future …

It is a rebirth, a new beginning …

2018 On-EasyAccess
A failed xml-based database Go program that failed in a competition held by the city.
But it is one of the important bonds with the info-tech teacher Zhang in the last semester of my primary school time.

2018 LangVM Project, which is different with 2023 one.
Motivated to create a purely functional high-level VM as an alternative to the JVM,
and provide native compilation support at the same time.
The thing beyond my mind is: it has similar inspiration and motivation with LLVM’s,
but I didn’t know about it that time! (The last paragraph in Page 3, Preface)
As of the time the repository was removed, only an untested interpreter was implemented. LOL
Luckily, there is a Chrome offline webpage capture taken in 2019 saved on my cloud drive.
I uploaded it and can be found here.

2018 Lava, Oops, Cheese etc.
VM-level assembly, high-level and even localized programming languages designed for LangVM.
This is why I bought the “dragon book”.

2019 Ketchup Graphics
A simple graphics engine based on OpenGL.
This is why I bought the books about OpenGL. But today we should use Vulkan. xD

2019 Divine Comedy and Reality
Make the story and three realms of Divine Comedy into a game.
I found that I was not able to do it that time — even will never be.
I hope someone/producer can do it. (for me)


What’s going on recently.

Wakapi Stats WakaTime Stats

> :3 It’s varying!

Come and see if there is any difference in a few days?
